Protein Smoothies

Protein Smoothie Recipes: Our protein smoothie recipes all have extra added protein usually in the form of powder. They are great for people who want their smoothie to be more like a balanced meal and also for those who may have a higher protein requirement for muscle building and training.

Brown Sugar Cinnamon Oatmeal Smoothie

Brown Sugar Cinnamon Oatmeal Smoothie Recipe

Breakfast in a glass, this smoothie will satisfy your morning carbohydrate cravings and provide satisfying fiber to get you through a busy morning. Fiber, along with cinnamon, may help keep blood sugar balanced as you go about your business prior to lunch. For quick preparation, the next time you make oatmeal save ½ cup in the refrigerator to throw in your smoothie when rushing off to greet your day. If you are in the mood for something not-so-cold, try this smoothie with warm oatmeal and a fresh rather than frozen banana. Make sure to fit in the most important meal of the day by grabbing this quick and delicious breakfast smoothie.


Average: 4.5 (27 votes)

Dairy Free Smoothie

Dairy Free Smoothie Recipe

This creamy non-dairy breakfast smoothie provides a healthy dose of vegetarian protein that will keep you full until your busy schedule allows you to take a lunch break. Packed full of potassium, calcium, healthy fats, and antioxidants, this smoothie is an awesome way to wake up. Take it with you in the car, and fill yourself with the vitality you need to get you through a hectic day at the office. Pea protein provides all the essential amino acids. If you are trying to build muscle we recommend complimenting the recipe with a whole grain, since some amino acids in pea protein are present in smaller amounts than are needed for sufficient muscle building.


Average: 4.3 (7 votes)

Gluten Free Smoothie

Gluten Free Smoothie Recipe

This topic is still controversial, but evidence shows that in addition to the autoimmune disorder celiac disease, there is a milder form of gluten intolerance called non-celiac gluten sensitivity. If you suspect that gluten is causing symptoms such as GI distress, fatigue, joint pain, or headaches, see a professional to rule out a gluten sensitivity. If you know you are sensitive it is extremely important to completely avoid gluten in your diet for the rest of your life. Wheat flour is the main culprit, but processed foods contain many wheat additives. Fresh fruit and vegetable smoothies are free to be enjoyed in a gluten free diet, so bon appétit!


Average: 3.9 (9 votes)

Basic Protein Smoothie

Basic Protein Smoothie Recipe

This smoothie can be made with any type of protein powder. Some choices are pea protein, whey protein, soy protein, or powdered egg white. Any flavor works, but vanilla or plain is recommended. Also, any type of milk beverage may be used, such as cow’s milk, soy milk, rice beverage, almond milk, etc. You can also feel free to get creative with the additives. We used wheat grass and flax oil to add important nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and omega 3 fatty acids. But chia seeds, spirulina, or nutritional yeast are also good nutrition hoices to add in.


Average: 4.1 (9 votes)

Allergen Free Smoothie

Allergen Free Smoothie Recipe

The common allergens include soy, dairy, eggs, and nuts. This smoothie recipe is free of all of these common allergens and is appropriate for vegans and vegetarians. Of all of the non-dairy milks available, Rice Dream has a much smoother flavor and goes well with fruit in smoothies. It is also great on cereal or with graham crackers. So if you are looking for a good allergen free milk alternative, Rice Dream is the way to go. Pea protein is a nutritious protein powder with a nice mild flavor that also compliments the fruit in the smoothies. Try the pea protein and Rice Dream with various fresh fruits.


Average: 4 (2 votes)

Lean Green Protein Smoothie

Lean Green Protein Smoothie

A filling meal in a glass that will keep your energy up. Use this smoothie to start or end your day in place of a meal. It contains all of the essential macronutrients: protein, fat, carbohydrates and water. Not your average protein source, pea protein is a healthy alternative to soy or whey protein powder with a mild flavor and reports of easy digestibility due to the removal of the fibers that cause flatulence. Pea protein is great for those allergic to dairy or soy. Protein smoothies make convenient meal replacements to help you meet your weight loss goals or just as part of a busy but healthy lifestyle.


Average: 4.2 (37 votes)

Vegan Protein Smoothie

Vegan Protein Smoothie Recipe

A vegan diet is a healthy way to eat and live, especially if careful attention is paid to getting “complete proteins” from foods. The human body will only use protein from food to build muscle if it contains all of the essential amino acids. Animal foods contain all of them in a similar proportion to that of our muscles so it is simple for the body to take them and build body tissue. Plant foods contain different ratios of amino acids, but it is easy to get them all if your diet contains a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Soy beans are one of few plant foods that contain all the essential amino acids, so enjoy this delicious high protein smoothie recipe.


Average: 4.3 (4 votes)

Berry Berry Protein Smoothie

Berry Berry Protein Smoothie Recipe

It is always a good idea to combine a sweet treat with a protein source to satisfy your cravings and keep your blood sugar from spiking. This prevents a reactive drop in blood sugar later that triggers cravings for more sweets. Egg protein is the most perfect protein available, and now comes in various flavors just like whey protein. So break out of the blood sugar roller coaster cycle with a sweet yet high protein smoothie recipe. Whey or soy protein powders may be substituted for egg protein powder if desired. Also, try it with vanilla soy milk or rice milk.


Average: 4.4 (8 votes)

Vanilla Soy Smoothie

Vanilla Soy Smoothie Recipe

Silken tofu makes a great base for smoothie recipes due to its ability to soften and absorb the flavor of fruits and other ingredients. This is a simple smoothie recipe that makes a great dessert while providing the amazing benefits of soy protein. Soy is one of the few plant sources of “complete protein,” meaning that it contains all the essential amino acids needed to repair and build muscle and tissues. Soy has also been shown to be helpful in preventing heart disease, especially when used to replace meat in the diet. It is easy to add soy to smoothies by using soft tofu, which adds very little flavor, a little texture, and a lot of healthy protein.


Average: 5 (1 vote)

Raspberry Chocolate Protein Dessert Smoothie

Raspberry Chocolate Protein Dessert Smoothie Recipe

Ready for a decadent, yet guilt-free, dessert? You will love the raspberry chocolate protein dessert smoothie recipe. I felt like I was eating a milk shake from a restaurant, but it was also filling enough that I did not want anything else afterwards. The whipped cream, chocolate syrup and ground walnuts add a minimal amount of calories for a maximal presentation! The whipped cream also added sweetness, while the walnuts added texture, along with healthy omega-3 fatty acids. At only 219 calories, this smoothie recipe provides a whopping 14 grams of protein per serving. An ingenious way to trick yourself into thinking you have splurged.


Average: 4.2 (16 votes)